• The world is celebrating the 700th anniversary of Dante Alighieri’s death (1321-2021)
• La Divina Commedia Project®️ is encouraging our beloved dance community to be a part of this celebration
• We know that digital learning became a useful tool for dancers around the planet
• That’s why we want to dance this moment and celebrate Poetry, Movement and Life!
• La Divina Commedia Project®️ has been presented in several cities of the world (Milan, Rome, Naples, Palermo, Leicester, Namur, Barcelona, New York City etc), every time involving new teachers and performers under the artistic direction of Francesca Pedretti. Since the first edition in 2014 it is always a different and exciting experience!
• Workshops and Show will happen from October to December 2021
• Keep following our news and support this event organized by Francesca Pedretti and San Lo’ Online
• Workshops will happen in October and the Show will première in December 19, 2021
• Great artists from all around the world will be teaching and performing; the entire event is based on William Blakes’ aesthetics and illustrations of the Divine Comedy
Event Overview:
La Divina Commedia Project®️ World Virtual Edition is an opportunity to study and perform with 11 well-known teachers from Fusion Belly Dance to FCBD®️Style, traveling in the imagination of the greatest literary work in the Italian language “La Divina Commedia” by Dante Alighieri, translated into images by the English poet and painter William Blake.
- 11 pre-recorded videos (45/50 min each)
- 11 live online classes (60 min each)
- 1 live Q&A 60 min
- Virtual Show

Alexis Southall | Alice Giampieri |Anasma Vuong | Francesca Pedretti | Gudrun Herold | Isabel De Lorenzo | Kaeshi Chai | Lamia Barbara | Patrizia Pin | Valenteena Ianni | Violet Scrap
10 out of 11 have taught and performed in past editions of La Divina Commedia Project®️
Workshops Info & Payment:
• Each workshop includes 1 pre-recorded video + 1 live online class.
• See and download the online classes SCHEDULE here.
• See and download the detailed WS Description & Inspiration here.
• The pre-recorded videos will be sent by email 15 days before the live class.
• If you miss the live class, a recording will be available for one week after the meeting.
€35 each workshop
€75 pack A w/e October 3, 2021 (3 workshops)
€75 pack B w/e October 10, 2021 (3 workshops)
€75 pack C w/e October 17, 2021 (3 workshops)
€50 pack D w/e October 24,2021 (2 workshops)
€220 full pack
How to register?
▶️ Buy your workshops directly at San Lo’ Online Shop (with Paypal or credit cards), otherwise send a Bank Transfer to:
San Lo’ S.S.D. a R.L.
Banca di Credito Cooperativo di Roma
Via Tiburtina, 136-138 | Roma RM | 00185
IBAN: IT74P0832703248000000001790
Payment description: WS number and your name [IMPORTANT!]
In case you choose a bank transfer please email us immediately (info@sanlo.it) with a copy of your payment.
BURSARY: If you would like to attend this event but are suffering from financial issues, please contact ladivinacommediaproject@gmail.com to discuss individual options.
The Divina Commedia®️ World Virtual Edition will première on Youtube on December 19, 2021.
Dancers registered to at least two workshops can participate in the show, in a group framework of CHOREOGRAPHIC IMPROVISATION directed by Francesca Pedretti and Isabel De Lorenzo, and based on ingredients learned in the different workshops. Dancers can choose between sections: Inferno, Purgatorio, Paradiso. All levels are welcome. Soloists can also apply (participation in two workshops required) .
If you are interested, please fill in this Google form.
Further Information:
Francesca Pedretti Homepage
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Facebook Page
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